by: NuGet
- 427 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
The core data structures for NuGet.Packaging
by: Manuel Römer
- 125 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.3.1
A source code only package which allows you to use .NET's new nullable attributes in older target frameworks like .NET Standard 2.0 or the "old" .NET Framework.
This package does not contain any compiled binaries, but instead adds the attribute classes as C# source code to your project. Because this code is compiled together with the rest of your code, the built binaries will not have a dependency on this package, meaning that you can perfectly use it for both libraries and applications.
The C# code is only included if you are targeting a framework version which does not support the new nullable attributes. For example, if you create a library which multi-targets .NET Standard 2.0 and 2.1, the majority of the attributes are not included in the .NET Standard 2.1 version, because it already provides these by default.
Please see for additional information on how to use this package.
by: Paul Betts Refit contributors
- 258 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.0.1
The automatic type-safe REST library for Xamarin and .NET
by: Paul Betts Refit contributors
- 23 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.1.0
The automatic type-safe REST library for Xamarin and .NET
by: NuGet
- 203 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet's client configuration settings implementation.
by: Marko Lahma
- 781 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.6.2
Quartz.NET Scheduling Framework for .NET Platform
by: NuGet
- 270 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet's protocol-level base types used for connecting to API v2 and API v3 repositories.
by: BouncyCastle.Crypto
- 17 total downloads
- Latest version:
BouncyCastle portable version with support for .NET 4, .NET Standard 1.0-2.0, WP, Silverlight, MonoAndroid, Xamarin.iOS, .NET Core
by: NuGet.ProjectModel
- 190 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet v3 core library.
by: NuGet
- 397 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
The understanding of target frameworks for NuGet.Packaging
by: NuGet
- 409 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet's dependency resolver within the NuGet.Packaging package
by: NuGet.Packaging.Core.Types
- 234 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet v3 core library.
by: NuGet.LibraryModel
- 429 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet v3 core library.
by: NuGet.Repositories
- 197 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet v3 core library.
by: NuGet
- 335 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet Protocol for 3.1.0 servers
by: NuGet
- 508 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet's implementation of Semantic Versioning.
by: NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core
- 232 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet v3 core library.
by: Kim Christensen
- 52 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.1.0
NLog is a logging platform for .NET with rich log routing and management capabilities. It can help you produce and manage high-quality logs for your application regardless of its size or complexity.
This package installs NLog.dll with includes core logging functionality.
For your main project also need to install "NLog Configuration" package.
by: NuGet
- 773 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet's implementation for reading nupkg package and nuspec package specification files.
by: NuGet.Common
- 711 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet v3 core library.
by: NuGet.RuntimeModel
- 218 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.3.0-beta1-2418
NuGet v3 core library.