Serilog.Extensions.Logging 7.0.0

Serilog.Extensions.Logging Build status NuGet Version

A Serilog provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, the logging subsystem used by ASP.NET Core.

ASP.NET Core Instructions

ASP.NET Core applications should prefer Serilog.AspNetCore and UseSerilog() instead.

Non-web .NET Core Instructions

Non-web .NET Core applications should prefer Serilog.Extensions.Hosting and UseSerilog() instead.

.NET Core 1.0, 1.1 and Default Provider Integration

The package implements AddSerilog() on ILoggingBuilder and ILoggerFactory to enable the Serilog provider under the default Microsoft.Extensions.Logging implementation.

First, install the Serilog.Extensions.Logging NuGet package into your web or console app. You will need a way to view the log messages - Serilog.Sinks.Console writes these to the console.

dotnet add package Serilog.Extensions.Logging
dotnet add package Serilog.Sinks.Console

Next, in your application's Startup method, configure Serilog first:

using Serilog;

public class Startup
  public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

    // Other startup code

Finally, for .NET Core 2.0+, in your Startup class's Configure() method, remove the existing logger configuration entries and call AddSerilog() on the provided loggingBuilder.

  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
      services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder =>
      	loggingBuilder.AddSerilog(dispose: true));

      // Other services ...

For .NET Core 1.0 or 1.1, in your Startup class's Configure() method, remove the existing logger configuration entries and call AddSerilog() on the provided loggerFactory.

  public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,
                        IHostingEnvironment env,
                        ILoggerFactory loggerfactory,
                        IApplicationLifetime appLifetime)

      // Ensure any buffered events are sent at shutdown

That's it! With the level bumped up a little you should see log output like:

[22:14:44.646 DBG] RouteCollection.RouteAsync
	Handled? True
[22:14:44.647 DBG] RouterMiddleware.Invoke
	Handled? True
[22:14:45.706 DBG] /lib/jquery/jquery.js not modified
[22:14:45.706 DBG] /css/site.css not modified
[22:14:45.741 DBG] Handled. Status code: 304 File: /css/site.css

Notes on Log Scopes

Microsoft.Extensions.Logging provides the BeginScope API, which can be used to add arbitrary properties to log events within a certain region of code. The API comes in two forms:

  1. The method: IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state)
  2. The extension method: IDisposable BeginScope(this ILogger logger, string messageFormat, params object[] args)

Using the extension method will add a Scope property to your log events. This is most useful for adding simple "scope strings" to your events, as in the following code:

using (_logger.BeginScope("Transaction")) {
    _logger.LogInformation("Completed in {DurationMs}ms...", 30);
// Example JSON output:
// {"@t":"2020-10-29T19:05:56.4126822Z","@m":"Beginning...","@i":"f6a328e9","SourceContext":"SomeNamespace.SomeService","Scope":["Transaction"]}
// {"@t":"2020-10-29T19:05:56.4176816Z","@m":"Completed in 30ms...","@i":"51812baa","DurationMs":30,"SourceContext":"SomeNamespace.SomeService","Scope":["Transaction"]}

If you simply want to add a "bag" of additional properties to your log events, however, this extension method approach can be overly verbose. For example, to add TransactionId and ResponseJson properties to your log events, you would have to do something like the following:

// WRONG! Prefer the dictionary approach below instead
using (_logger.BeginScope("TransactionId: {TransactionId}, ResponseJson: {ResponseJson}", 12345, jsonString)) {
    _logger.LogInformation("Completed in {DurationMs}ms...", 30);
// Example JSON output:
// {
//	"@t":"2020-10-29T19:05:56.4176816Z",
//	"@m":"Completed in 30ms...",
//	"@i":"51812baa",
//	"DurationMs":30,
//	"SourceContext":"SomeNamespace.SomeService",
//	"TransactionId": 12345,
//	"ResponseJson": "{ \"Key1\": \"Value1\", \"Key2\": \"Value2\" }",
//	"Scope":["TransactionId: 12345, ResponseJson: { \"Key1\": \"Value1\", \"Key2\": \"Value2\" }"]
// }

Not only does this add the unnecessary Scope property to your event, but it also duplicates serialized values between Scope and the intended properties, as you can see here with ResponseJson. If this were "real" JSON like an API response, then a potentially very large block of text would be duplicated within your log event! Moreover, the template string within BeginScope is rather arbitrary when all you want to do is add a bag of properties, and you start mixing enriching concerns with formatting concerns.

A far better alternative is to use the BeginScope<TState>(TState state) method. If you provide any IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> to this method, then Serilog will output the key/value pairs as structured properties without the Scope property, as in this example:

var scopeProps = new Dictionary<string, object> {
    { "TransactionId", 12345 },
    { "ResponseJson", jsonString },
using (_logger.BeginScope(scopeProps) {
    _logger.LogInformation("Transaction completed in {DurationMs}ms...", 30);
// Example JSON output:
// {
//	"@t":"2020-10-29T19:05:56.4176816Z",
//	"@m":"Completed in 30ms...",
//	"@i":"51812baa",
//	"DurationMs":30,
//	"SourceContext":"SomeNamespace.SomeService",
//	"TransactionId": 12345,
//	"ResponseJson": "{ \"Key1\": \"Value1\", \"Key2\": \"Value2\" }"
// }


This package tracks the versioning and target framework support of its Microsoft.Extensions.Logging dependency.


This package evolved from an earlier package Microsoft.Framework.Logging.Serilog provided by the ASP.NET team.

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Serilog.Extensions.Logging.

Packages Downloads
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services
Serilog support for .NET Core logging in hosted services

.NET Framework 4.6.2

.NET 6.0

.NET 7.0

.NET Standard 2.0

.NET Standard 2.1

Version Downloads Last updated
8.0.1-dev-10398 4 07/23/2024
8.0.1-dev-10391 6 05/24/2024
8.0.1-dev-10389 5 04/22/2024
8.0.1-dev-10382 7 03/24/2024
8.0.1-dev-10377 7 02/29/2024
8.0.1-dev-10373 8 02/29/2024
8.0.1-dev-10370 13 11/15/2023
8.0.0 6 11/21/2023
8.0.0-dev-10367 6 11/15/2023
8.0.0-dev-10359 10 10/24/2023
7.0.1-dev-10354 7 10/13/2023
7.0.0 16 05/21/2023
7.0.0-dev-10353 10 10/04/2023
7.0.0-dev-10346 17 05/24/2023
3.1.1-dev-10338 19 04/17/2023
3.1.1-dev-10337 11 06/25/2023
3.1.1-dev-10301 79 06/27/2022
3.1.0 14,463 06/27/2022
3.1.0-dev-10295 77 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10289 19 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10286 20 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10284 33 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10281 29 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10280 34 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10272 74 09/06/2022
3.0.2-dev-10269 21 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10265 69 09/22/2022
3.0.2-dev-10260 40 09/22/2022
3.0.2-dev-10257 68 08/29/2022
3.0.2-dev-10256 29 08/29/2022
3.0.1 10,624 06/27/2022
3.0.1-dev-10252 29 08/29/2022
3.0.0 45 08/29/2022
3.0.0-dev-10248 71 08/29/2022
3.0.0-dev-10244 32 08/29/2022
3.0.0-dev-10240 44 09/08/2022
3.0.0-dev-10237 58 09/02/2022
3.0.0-dev-10234 65 08/29/2022
3.0.0-dev-10232 75 09/07/2022
2.0.5-dev-10226 83 09/24/2022
2.0.5-dev-10225 84 09/25/2022
2.0.4 65 09/23/2022
2.0.3 71 10/16/2022
2.0.3-dev-10220 13 09/25/2022
2.0.3-dev-10215 82 09/23/2022
2.0.2 21 09/22/2022
2.0.2-dev-10199 61 09/25/2022
2.0.1 37 09/22/2022
2.0.1-dev-10207 68 09/22/2022
2.0.1-dev-10205 56 09/26/2022
2.0.1-dev-10204 14 09/22/2022
2.0.1-dev-10195 17 09/23/2022
2.0.0 28 05/25/2023
2.0.0-dev-10187 41 09/22/2022
2.0.0-dev-10185 30 09/24/2022
2.0.0-dev-10180 73 09/23/2022
2.0.0-dev-10177 40 09/21/2022
2.0.0-dev-10174 23 07/04/2022
2.0.0-dev-10172 29 08/29/2022
2.0.0-dev-10169 77 08/29/2022
2.0.0-dev-10164 69 09/21/2022
1.4.1-dev-10155 77 09/23/2022
1.4.1-dev-10152 23 09/12/2022
1.4.1-dev-10147 12 09/07/2022
1.4.0 35 08/29/2022
1.4.0-dev-10144 67 07/01/2022
1.4.0-dev-10138 35 08/29/2022
1.4.0-dev-10136 32 09/08/2022
1.4.0-dev-10133 25 09/02/2022
1.3.1 85 09/24/2022
1.3.0 16 08/29/2022
1.3.0-dev-10129 23 08/29/2022
1.3.0-dev-10125 29 09/07/2022
1.2.0 40 08/29/2022
1.2.0-dev-10122 15 09/07/2022
1.1.0 37 08/29/2022
1.1.0-dev-10116 17 08/29/2022
1.1.0-dev-10114 52 08/29/2022
1.0.0 50 07/14/2022
1.0.0-rc2-10110 29 08/29/2022
1.0.0-rc2-10108 58 08/29/2022
1.0.0-rc2-10104 72 09/08/2022
1.0.0-rc2-10102 12 08/29/2022
1.0.0-rc2-10099 13 09/07/2022
1.0.0-rc2-10096 84 08/29/2022
1.0.0-rc1-final-10092 81 09/07/2022
1.0.0-rc1-final-10091 20 09/24/2022
1.0.0-rc1-final-10088 37 06/28/2022
1.0.0-rc1-final-10087 23 08/29/2022
1.0.0-rc1-final-10086 25 08/29/2022